Localization and internationalization

Although all themes coming with CalendarXP are in English, it's very easy to localize them into your own language. Moreover it's quite simple to setup an i18n framework with your cgi server to provide multi-language support of your website. This tutorial will help you deal with them fast.

How to localize a theme?

Pick up any theme at hand and take a look at the source, you'll find all text strings in the calendar are externalized here. So what's next? Just translate the English strings to your own language strings and modify the theme css to use corresponding font family.

Certain languages may need a charset different than the default one, in which case you just need to set the 6th parameter of the name & id of iframe calendar tag with the correct charset - please refer to helloworld the beginner's tutorial for details. e.g.

<iframe name="gToday:normal:agenda.js:::utf-8" id="gToday:normal:agenda.js:::utf-8" src=...>


How to get i18n work on the page?

I18n, a.k.a internationalization, is to make your page available in different languages at the same time. You'll be preparing resources in different language and feeding the browser with the one chosen by the end user.

First, you need to localize the theme you choose into different languages and name them with specific suffixes. e.g. For mini theme localized in French, we can have mini_fr.css and mini_fr.js. If you were to use any strings in plugins or agendas, you may either create plugins_fr.js and agenda_fr.js accordingly, or externalize the text strings into an array and append it to mini_fr.js.

Next, you need to create server-side wrappers for the engine files so that a correct charset encoding header will be sent to the browser. The wrapper is nothing but a file with a http charset setting and an "include" tag in the syntax of the cgi tech your server employed. Taking ASP as example, we need to create the iflateng.asp as following: (You may need to do same thing for nflateng.asp if you need to support Netscape 4.x)

<!-- #include file="iflateng.htm" -->

Copy the file into the same directory where the iflateng.htm engine file is located, then modify the calendar tag to use the wrapper file as the code source accordingly. e.g.

<iframe name="gToday:mini:agenda.js" id="gToday:mini:agenda.js"
src="iflateng.asp" ...>

Finally, dynamically generate the theme name and sel_charset according to the language/charset used in your page.

<iframe name="gToday:mini_<%=selected_language%>:agenda.js" id="gToday:mini_<%=selected_language%>:agenda.js"
src="iflateng.asp?sel_charset=<%=selected_charset%>" ...>

The selected_language can be "fr", "cn" or any language code used by your localized theme. The selected_charset can be "iso-8859-1", "gb2312" or any charset employed by your theme correspondingly.


Note: the server-side wrappers approach can also be replaced by setting the 6th parameter of the name & id to the correct charset. e.g.

<iframe name="gToday:normal:agenda.js:::<%=selected_charset%>" id="gToday:normal:agenda.js:::<%=selected_charset%>" src=...>

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